Ongoing Projects
Farming God’s Way
Farming God’s Way is a resource given to the wider body of Christ, to equip the poor and break the yoke of poverty. ADS-MK in partnership with ARC and ADS-K is working with the poor communities in Mount Kenya to break the yoke of food insecurity through application of biblical, management and technological principles. FGW put’s God at the centre bearing in mind that everything was created by Him and for Him.
Food Security and Livelihoods Diversification Project
This project is implemented in partnership with World Renew and Canadian Foodgrains Bank. It targets 800 households in two sub-locations of Murang’a County, Kariani and Gakungu who suffer food insecurity due to poor agricultural practices, worsened by unpredictable rain and frequent drought, and low income levels which limit access to agricultural inputs food security is a major challenge in this area.
The project works with 160 champion farmers who provide extension services to the other 640 farmers.
Sexual Reproductive Health Enhancement and HIV Control Project
Sexual Reproductive Health Enhancement and HIV Control Project is implemented in partnership with World Renew and the North Alberta Diaconal Conference and aim at Improving the Ng’enda communities’ health status through reduction of new HIV infections and mitigation of HIV impacts in the Kiganjo division, Gatundu South Constituency, Kiambu County.
Expanded Chania Community Empowerment Project
The Expanded Chania Community Empowerment Programme is being implemented in partnership with TEAR Australia in seven sublocations in Chania Division, Gatundu North Constituency, Kiambu County and aims at improving the living standards and enhancing dignity of 1,500 households through capacity building to augment: Improved and sustainable agricultural practices; increased and diversified sources of income; reduction in common environmental and preventable ailments; increased community dialogue to address root causes of HIV and provision of compassionate care and; strengthening of established community based structures for the sustainability of the programme.
Food Security and Livelihoods Improvement Project
This Food Security and Livelihoods Improvement (FOSELI) Project is implemented in partnership with TEAR Australia and aims at enhancing food security and dignified living of 900 Households and 100 youths in semi arid sub locations of Kigongo, Kariara and Ngamwa in Murang’a and Nyeri Counties, Kenya, through promotion of sustainable ecological agricultural technologies, livelihoods diversification, implementation of GoK’s community health strategy to prevent common health ailments and establishment of community structures to support community development initiatives and enhance project sustainability.
Health and Livelihoods Improvement Project
Health and Livelihoods Improvement (HELI) Project is implemented in Kajiado County (Olchoronyori and Oloirien Sublocations) in partnership with Transformation Aid International and aims at promoting access to basic health care and enhancing dignified living of 1,000 Households in these two semi-arid sub-locations of Kajiado County, Kenya. This is done through running the GoK’s community health strategy, enhancing access to clean and safe water, livelihoods diversification, promotion of sustainable ecological agricultural technologies and establishment of community structures to support community development initiatives and enhance project sustainability.